The Use of Narrative Inquiry as a Decolonial Methodology in Social Justice Research

Thursday 13 June 2024, 4:00pm to 5:30pm


Lancaster University Campus, Lancaster

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Free to attend - registration required

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Please email Sheila Walton to secure a place and for event location.

Please note: This is an in-person event ONLY.

Event Details

This presentation will explore the application of narrative inquiry as a decolonial research methodology for knowledge construction that is inherently politicized, as posited by Knowles (2021) and in alignment with the notion that "the Personal is Political," as advocated by Hanisch (1969).

Consequently, this methodology prioritizes personal experiences, as shared by project collaborators through conversational exchanges (ukuncokola), photovoice, poetry, and workshops. This approach was employed in a doctoral study investigating student experiences of genderin universities in the Eastern Cape region of South Africa. Adopting an intersectional lens, the researcher identified various forms of oppression and structural dominance in collaboration with participating students to interpret individual narratives as multifaceted and layered, as elucidated by intersectionality theory. The narrative inquiry methodology empowered collaborators to assert agency in recounting their stories, some of which were emotionally charged, while navigating the higher education system. The utilization of narrative inquiry not only enhanced methodological advancements but also facilitated a research approach that resonated with students and fostered a sense of comfort and familiarity.

Bio: Asiphe Mxalisa is a Lecturer at Rhodes University's Centre for Postgraduate Studies. She is currently finishing her PhD in Higher Education at the Centre for Higher Education Research, Teaching and Learning at Rhodes University, with a focus on Narrative Intersectionality and the experiences of gender among students. Asiphe obtained a Masters degree in Political Science from Nelson Mandela University, and serves as an executive member of the Nelson Mandela Alumni Association. She is also a South African Ambassador for Quality Education and form part of the Global #education2030UN in enhancing the sustainable development number 4.

Contact Details

Name Sheila Walton