Preparing for ’Zöld Út’ Examinations
Ildikó Tóth

Zöld Út examinations are skills-based examinations testing specific language proficiency at three levels in a modular way. They are bilingual and communicative, and issue complex language certificates as opposed to separate oral and written ones. Currently the following modules are available:
English, French and German for Management, and English, French and German for Agriculture.
In the presentation I would like to focus on ways to prepare for the exam (individually, through short courses or through a longer course of studies). Preparation materials will be shown, which are written by the staff of the examination centre to help individual preparation and to complement courses.
Courses use a communicative methodology as the examination itself is also of communicative nature. Authentic study- and work-related situations are explored, involving current economic, environmental and agricultural issues. Written genres typical of the specific area are analysed and practised, alongside with mastering relevant specific vocabulary in context. Our approach to LSP testing is that we do not test content knowledge directly, but we consider it as a necessary background.
Throughout the preparation, all the four main language skills are developed in integration, complemented with mediation skills, which are vital for Hungarian learners.

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