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ISSN 1746-5354
A Peer Reviewed Academic Journal
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Jane Kaye

Jane Kaye is the Research Officer in Law at the Oxford Genetics Knowledge Park (OGKP) based at the University of Oxford. Her research in the area of biolaw focuses on the development of innovative technologies and the legal issues of privacy, confidentiality, data protection and negligence, as well as the broader issues of the public interest, governance and regulation. She has carried out research on the Icelandic Health Sector Database; lead the Law Team of an EC Framework 5 project called ELSAGEN; and has recently been awarded a Wellcome Trust grant (with Andrew Smart and Mike Parker) for a project called'Governing Genetic Databases'.

Dr. Jane Kaye, BA, LLB, Grad.Dip.Leg.Pract, DPhil.

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