Mailto Help

To provide a link to a simple form to allow browsers to send feedback, simply link to your mailto ID. For example:
<a href="/mailto/helpdesk">Helpdesk Feedback</a>

If the page you are linking from is not on, you'll need to provide an absolute URL:

<a href="">Helpdesk Feedback</a>

What Next?

The simple form shows a generic 'thankyou' page after the user has submitted feedback. To provide your own page in place of this, add ?NEXT_URL=url to the link. For example:
<a href="/mailto/helpdesk?NEXT_URL=/iss/">Helpdesk Feedback</a>
You can also use this technique to specify a default subject line on the simple form.

Advanced use

You can also use the Feedback system as a form handler.
Notice that the ID, NEXT_URL and subject have been given as hidden fields, so that the user will not be shown them, and cannot (easily) change them.

For example, the following HTML:

<form action="/mailto/steveb" method=POST>
<input type=hidden name="subject" value="survey response">
<input type=hidden name="NEXT_URL" value="/mailto/help2">
<input type=hidden name="MSG_FIELDS" value="name,email,surveyq1,surveyq2,surveyq3">

<br>Your Name: <input name="name" size=40 value="">
<br>Your Email: <input name="email" size=40 value="">

<p>Q1. Do you like the mailto service?
<br><input type=radio name="surveyq1" value="yes">Yes
<br><input type=radio name="surveyq1" value="no">No

<p>Q2. Do you think you'll use it much?
<br><input type=radio name="surveyq2" value="yes">Yes
<br><input type=radio name="surveyq2" value="no">No
<br><input type=radio name="surveyq2" value="maybe">Maybe

<p>Q3. What will you use it for?
<br><input type=checkbox name="surveyq3[]" value="mailto"> Replacement for mailto: URLs
<br><input type=checkbox name="surveyq3[]" value="forms"> Complex form handling
<br><input type=checkbox name="surveyq3[]" value="other"> Other stuff

<input type=submit value="OK""><br>
Produces a form like this:
Your Name:
Your Email:

Q1. Do you like the mailto service?

Q2. Do you think you'll use it much?

Q3. What will you use it for?
Replacement for mailto: URLs
Complex form handling
Other stuff

Things to notice:
