

Learning Resources

Change Management
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Change Management

Models and Theories
Managing Change
Leading Change
Transition Psychology & The Human Factor
Positive Deviance
Financial Services
Education sector
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Models and Theories

*  Kotter, J (1995) Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail Harvard business review, 1995, vol. 73, issue 2, p 59, ISSN 0017-8012 [link]

*  Kritsonis, A (2004-2005) Comparison of Change Theories International Journal of Scholarly Academic Intellectual Diversity Volume 8 Number 1 2004-2005 [link]

*  Burnes, B (2004) Kurt Lewin and the Planned Approach to Change: A Re-appraisal Journal of Management Studies; Sep2004, Vol. 41 Issue 6, p977-1002, 26p [link]

*  EFQM [link]

*  Hope Hailey, V (2002) Devising Context Sensitive Approaches To Change: The Example of Glaxo Wellcome [link]



Managing Change

*  Beer, Michael Why Change Programs Don't Produce Change Harvard Business Review; Nov/Dec90, Vol. 68 Issue 6, p158-166 [link]

*  Slater, Stanley F. Learning to change Business Horizons; Nov/Dec95, Vol. 38 Issue 6, p13 [link]

*  Winum, Paul Helping organizations change: A model for guiding consultation Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, Vol 49(1), Win 1997. pp. 6-16 [link]

*  Goodstein, Leonard D Creating Successful Organization Change Organizational Dynamics; Spring 91, Vol. 19 Issue 4, p4-17 [link]

*  Jick, Todd D. Accelerating Change for Competitive Advantage Organizational Dynamics; Summer95, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p77-82 [link]

*  Mintzberg, Henry Cycles of organizational change Strategic Management Journal. Chichester: Winter 1992.Vol.13 pg. 39 [link]

*  Drucker, Peter F Looking Ahead: Implications of the Present Harvard Business Review; Sep/Oct97, Vol. 75 Issue 5, p18-32 [link]

*  UKMoD guide to Change - How to do it and Make it Work [link]



Leading Change

*  Ethics, character, and authentic transformational leadership behavior
The Leadership Quarterly, , Volume 10, Issue 2, Summer 1999, Pages 181-217
Bernard M.Bass, Paul Steidlmeier [link]

*  Change management--or change leadership? By: Gill, Roger. Journal of Change Management, May2003, Vol. 3 Issue 4, p307, 12p [link]

*  Bruce A Tucker,  Robert F Russell. (2004). The Influence of the Transformational Leader. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 10(4), 103-111 [link]

*  An evaluation of conceptual weaknesses in transformational and charismatic leadership theories
The Leadership Quarterly, , Volume 10, Issue 2, Summer 1999, Pages 285-305
Gary Yukl [link]

*  Managers and Leaders: Are They Different? By: Zaleznik, Abraham, Harvard Business Review, 00178012, Jan2004, Vol. 82, Issue 1 [link]




*  “Unfreezing the Future: Exploring the Dynamic of Time in Organizational Change” The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. Arlington: Jun 2005. Vol. 41, Iss. 2;  pg. 182, 22 pgs [link]

*  Dynamics in organizational change and learning: Reflections and new perspectives [link]

*  Weick “Organizational change and development” Annual Review of Psychology; 1999, Vol. 50 Issue 1, p361, 26p, 1 chart [link]



Transition Psychology & The Human Factor

*  Human responses to change [link]

*  Williams, D Transitions: managing personal and organisational change Eos Career Services [link]

*  Process of Personal Change ( – but not a bad introduction!)

*  Herding cats: Human change management Mark J. Dawson and Mark L. Jones

*  William Bridges and Susan Mitchell Bridges “Leading Transition: A New Model for Change” Leader to Leader, No. 16 Spring 2000 [link]



Positive Deviance

*  Success of the positive deviance theory adopted by Jerry Sternin and his wife in Vietnam as staff members of Save the Children organization [link]

*  Positive Deviance as a Tool for Organizational Change [link]

*  The Power of Positive Deviancy.,  By: Sternin, Jerry, Choo, Robert, Harvard Business Review, 00178012, Jan/Feb2000, Vol. 78, Issue 1 [link]

*  Bloch, Susan Positive deviants and their power on transformational leadership; Journal of Change Management, 2001, vol. 1, issue 3, p 273, ISSN 14697017 [link]

*  Pascale, Richard Tanner, Sternin, Jerry, Your Company’s Secret Change Agents  Harvard Business Review, 00178012, May2005, Vol. 83, Issue 5 [link]



Financial Services

*  Managing change in the financial services industry [link]

*  Managing change in financial services for sustainable growth [link]

*  Grove, Andrew S. Managing Segment Zero Leader to Leader. 11 (Winter 1999): 16-21 [link]




*  Bouckenooghe, D & Devos, G (?) Psychological change climate as a crucial catalyst of readiness for change Academy of Management

*  Krause, T (2008) Assessing readiness for change Occupational Hazards, March 2008

*  Walinga, J (2008) Toward a theory of change readiness Journal of applied behavioural science 2008; 44; 315

*  Burrowes, N & Needs, A (2008) Time to contemplate change? A framework for assessing readiness to change with offenders Aggression & Violent behaviour (2008) doi: 10.1016/j,avb.2008.08.003


Education Sector

*  Harris, A (2006) Leading change in schools in difficulty Volume 7, Numbers 1-2 / March, 2006 doi:10.1007/s10833-006-0009-0 [link]

*  Mulford, A (2006) Leading Change for Student Achievement Journal of Educational Change Volume 7, Numbers 1-2 / March, 2006 doi: 10.1007/s10833-006-0012-5 [link]

*  Wagner, A (2001) Leadership for Learning: An Action Theory of School Change