Susan Armitage - please note this is an old page - more up to date info available here

Learning Technology Development Officer (1994-2004)

Department: Information Systems Services


Tel: 01524 510621

Work Interests

Anything to do with learning technology although my current focus is on computer mediated communication. I was also the local organiser for a Universities and Colleges Software Group (UCSG) workshop on conference systems that was hosted here in July 1995 (6-7th).

I maintain the index to the computer users interest groups and am coordinator for the Courseware and Conference group.

I maintain a Learning Technology News noticeboard that has up-to-date information and links to conferences/workshops that are associated with the field of Learning Technology.

Another web resource is my document library which has documents, minutes etc.

There are also the Learning Technology Support Group web pages that provide information about support on campus and through national organisations relevant to the use of technology in teaching and learning

List of Other Interesting Pages about Educational Technology

Dr. Karen Valley's report on Technology Supported Learning at Lancaster.

SuperCAL refers to development of interactive courseware for the Internet. This is a link to their demonstration site at Staffs.

Warwick's Educational Technology Resource page

Computers in Teaching Initiative (CTI) Centres Information.

Teaching and Learning Technology Programme (TLTP) projects home page.

BUBL - A national information service for higher education that aims to offer fast, easy-to-use and reliable access to selected high-quality resources of academic relevance, both on its own servers and worldwide.

The Colorado Advanced Technology Institute (CATI) is proud to announce the creation of AeRie, the Applied Rural telecommunications online clearinghouse. AeRie contains resources and case studies designed to assist rural communities world-wide harness the potential uses of telecommunications for economic development.

The University of Colorado at Denver has a new home page for the School of Education. Since it was created by a team of Information & Learning Technologies Program students, its main emphasis is on their program.

ALT-E is the Electronic version of the Newsletter for the Association for Learning Technology.

The Advisory Group on Computer Graphics (AGOCG) home page

ELTHE - Evaluation of Learning Technology in Higher Education self help group

ITTI - Information Technology Training Initiative (University of Hull) and the ITTI EMASHE Project (University of Glasgow)

LTDI - Learning Technology Dissemination Initiative.

NISS - National Information Services and Systems.

UCISA - UCTLIG - Universities and Colleges Software Association Training Group

Other Interests

Horses . With those two interests there's no time for anything else!

Web tour pg 1.

Link for participants on the Introduction to the Internet course.