The file "heather" contains a binary representation of the presence/absence (1/0) of heather in a 10metre by 20metre rectangle, digitised to a 256 by 512 array. The file is arranged with 32 entries per line, corresponding to a row-wise scan of the ground-truth 256 by 512 array. To read the data into R and obtain a binary image, you can use the following commands (amongst many other possiblities): data_matrix(scan("heather"),nrow=256,ncol=512,byrow=T) X11() # or whatever graphics device you prefer par(pty="s") image(t(data),xlim=c(0,512),ylim=c(0,512)) The resulting image should correspond to the picture of the data shown in Diggle (1981, Biometrics, 37, 531-9), which used a slightly different resolution. The data were collected in central Sweden by Goran Agren, Toby Fagerstrom and Peter Diggle, in September 1978. Their representation as a 256 by 512 binary array was constructed so eyears later by Adrian Baddelely