photo of Alison Hale
Dr Alison Hale
Senior Research Software Engineer

  Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Lancaster University

Contact details
Modelling the impact of social mixing and behaviour on infectious disease transmission
Simulated outbreak of covid-19
In regard to infectious diseases socioeconomic determinants are strongly associated with differential exposure and susceptibility however they are seldom accounted for by standard compartmental infectious disease models. To address this issue I have developed a novel compartmental infectious disease model which, stratified by deprivation and age, accounts for population-level behaviour including social mixing patterns. Outputs related to this work include:
Disease Surveillance
screen-shot of Simulated Outbreak
In collaboration with colleagues based at the University of Liverpool and University of Bristol I have been working on designing a system to detect outbreaks of disease among small companion animals. We used data acquired through SAVSNET from participating UK veterinary surgeries. Recently published items include:
Map-based Visualisation and Statistical Inference with Dynamic Atlas
screen-shot of Dynamic Atlas
One aspect of this work is to create visual representations of the variations in the health landscape of populations over space and time. To visualise this data I developed the Dynamic Atlas app. This open-source software is a stand-alone JavaScript based app intended to reside on a web server.
Why not write a thesis in R Markdown?
screen-shot of thesis figures
R Markdown is a great way to include data analysis and modelling results directly within a thesis or report. The layout of the thesis is formatted with Markdown. Given some data, R-code is then used to produce results directly within the thesis document. There is no need to create tables by hand or generate and save figure files.
Tutorial Producing a coherent thesis can be a little tricky so I wrote a tutorial to explain how to properly format the text, equations, tables, figures, images, page numbers, appendix, and so on. My tutorial is available from
Template I wrote an MSc thesis of around 30,000 words using R Markdown. I have created a skeleton thesis template, skeletonThesis.Rmd, which can be used on its own or in conjunction with my tutorial. Download the R Markdown template skeletonThesis.Rmd and its corresponding PDF from my gitlab repository.
My profile and contact details can be found on Pure.