import PhotoScan import random import csv # This script enables a Monte Carlo bundle adjustment approach to be run in PhotoScan Pro, as described in # James et al (2016) Optimising UAV topographic surveys processed with structure-from-motion: Ground control quality, # quantity and bundle adjustment, Geomorphology, doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.11.021 # This updated version of the script has been tested on PhotoScan v.1.2.6 # The script parameters below should be edited, and it can then be run in PhotoScan via the Tools->Run script menu command. ######################################################################################## # Edit parameters up to the Initialisation section # Directory where output will be stored and active control file is saved. # The directory should exist before the script is run. # Note use of '/' in the path (not '\'); end the path with '/' dir_path = 'E:/Data/Monte Carlo GCP/' # Output text file which describes the active markers used as control. # Use 'active_ctrl_indices.txt' for compatibility with sfm_georef for analysis of results. # Each line in the file allocates the markers as active (1) or inactive (0). # Thus, the number of elements in a line equals the number of markers in the PhotoScan project. # The number of lines in the file gives the number of times each unique combination of the accuracy # settings will be used. # [RECOMMENDED] - don't change the name of act_ctrl_file act_ctrl_file = 'active_ctrl_indices.txt' # Accuracy settings values to use. # For Stage II analyses, use a range for marker_accuracies: # Note that any marker-specific accuracies in the PhotoScan project will be overwritten, and X, Y and # Z components of marker accuracy will be identical. # e.g. marker_accuracies = [0.001, 0.002, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.50, 1.00, 2.00] # Projection and tie point accuracies should be set to reflect the RMS residual values on markers and tie points respectively. marker_accuracies = [0.005] projection_accuracies = [1.0] tiepoint_accuracies = [1.0] # Define the percent of markers that should be active as control (all = 100) # A list of one or more values: # e.g. perc_act_markers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90] perc_act_markers = [50] # Define the number of random selections of markers to use (i.e. how many times bundle adjustment) # will be carried out for each different value of perc_act_markers. num_randomisations = 50 # Define the camera parameter set to optimise in the bundle adjustment optimise_f=False optimise_cxcy=False optimise_b1=False optimise_b2=False optimise_k1k2k3=False optimise_p1p2=False optimise_k4=False optimise_p3=False optimise_p4=False ######################################################################################## # Initialisation chunk = # Reset the random seed, so that all equivalent runs are started identically random.seed(1) # Determine the total number of markers and the number of active markers num_markers = len(chunk.markers) num_act_markers = [round(num_markers*x/100) for x in perc_act_markers] # Construct a list of lists representing the randomised selection of active markers act_markers = [] for repID in range(0, len(perc_act_markers)): nam = num_act_markers[repID] for rand_num in range(0, num_randomisations): act_marker_line = [True] * nam + [False] * (num_markers-nam) random.shuffle( act_marker_line ) act_markers.append( act_marker_line ) # Write the active marker flags to a text file - one line per BA iteration with open(dir_path + act_ctrl_file, 'w') as f: fwriter = csv.writer(f, delimiter=' ', lineterminator='\n') for line_ID in range(0, len(act_markers)): fwriter.writerow( [int(elem) for elem in act_markers[line_ID]] ) f.close() # Need CoordinateSystem object for camera export, but PS only returns 'None' if an arbitrary coordinate system is being used # thus need to set manually in this case; otherwise use the Chunk coordinate system. if == None: crs = PhotoScan.CoordinateSystem('LOCAL_CS["Local CS",LOCAL_DATUM["Local Datum",0],UNIT["metre",1]]') else: crs = # Counter for the number of bundle adjustments carried out, to prepend to files file_idx = 1 ######################################################################################## # Main set of nested loops which control the repeated bundle adjustment # Repeat all inner loops of accuracy settings values for each permutation of control points ('active markers') for line_ID in range(0, len(act_markers) ): # Update which markers are enabled for use as control points in the bundle adjustment act_marker_flags = act_markers[line_ID] num_act_markers = sum(act_marker_flags) for i, marker in enumerate(chunk.markers): marker.reference.enabled = act_marker_flags[i] # For this arrangement of control points, loop through all settings permutations for marker_accuracy in marker_accuracies: if marker_accuracy >= 0: # Update the marker accuracy setting value if required try: chunk.accuracy_markers = PhotoScan.Vector( [marker_accuracy, marker_accuracy, marker_accuracy]) # Update the marker accuracy setting value except TypeError: chunk.accuracy_markers = marker_accuracy # Single value for legacy versions for projection_accuracy in projection_accuracies: chunk.accuracy_projections = projection_accuracy # Update the projection accuracy setting value for tiepoint_accuracy in tiepoint_accuracies: chunk.accuracy_tiepoints = tiepoint_accuracy # Update the projection accuracy setting value # Construct the output file names out_file = '{0:04d}'.format(file_idx) + '_MA' + '{0:0.5f}'.format(marker_accuracy) + '_PA' + '{0:0.5f}'.format(projection_accuracy) + '_TA' + '{0:0.5f}'.format(tiepoint_accuracy)+ '_NAM' + '{0:03d}'.format(num_act_markers) + '_LID' + '{0:03d}'.format(line_ID+1) out_gc_file = out_file + '_GC.txt' out_cam_file = out_file + '_cams.xml' print( out_gc_file ) # Bundle adjustment chunk.optimizeCameras(fit_f=optimise_f, fit_cxcy=optimise_cxcy, fit_b1=optimise_b1, fit_b2=optimise_b2, fit_k1k2k3=optimise_k1k2k3, fit_p1p2=optimise_p1p2, fit_k4=optimise_k4, fit_p3=optimise_p3,fit_p4=optimise_p4) # Export the ground control chunk.saveReference(dir_path + out_gc_file, 'csv', items='markers') # Export the cameras chunk.exportCameras(dir_path + out_cam_file, format='xml', projection=crs, rotation_order='xyz') # Export the calibrations [NOTE - only one camera implemented in export here] chunk.cameras[0] + out_file + '_cal1.xml') # Export the sparse point cloud chunk.exportPoints(dir_path + out_file + '_pts.ply', normals=False, colors=False, format='ply') # Increment the file counter file_idx = file_idx+1