Roman Half-Uncial: Abbreviations

Abbreviations are mostly nomina sacra:

The abbreviation for deus 'God', in several grammatical cases:
deum 'God' (accusative), in line 6;
deo 'to/by God', in lines 10, 11, and 12;
dei 'of God', in lines 13, 14, and 16.
The abbreviation for dominus, 'Lord':
dominus in line 17.
The abbreviation for Christus, 'Christ', in several grammatical cases:
Christus, in lines 17 and 19;
Christi, 'of Christ', in lines 18 and 26;
Christo, 'to/by Christ', in line 16.
The abbreviation for Spiritus Sanctus, 'The Holy Spirit':
in line 17 in the ablative case, spiritu sancto, 'by the Holy Spirit'.

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