Anglo-Saxon Minuscule: Letter-Forms

There is a generally pointed look to these letter-forms. Curves have become angular at the top, and bows are often slanted ovals. Note especially the straight back to e.

The cross-strokes of æ and e are normally just slightly raised, but when they are followed by another suitable letter, the letter extends itself upwards so that the cross-stroke is on the head-line.

The overall spikiness is enhanced by the use of triangular serifs: but these tend to increase the impression of height rather than width, as in Insular Majuscule:

The uprights of some letters with descenders are made with a down-and-up movement so that they appear to be split. They also have marked triangular serifs. Be very careful not to mix these letters up:


Be careful not to mix up w with p - or any of the other letters above. P has an open bow.
You can see the beginnings of this in the Insular Majuscule scripts. This is from The Book of Kells.
And don't of course mix up wynn with þ.

You should have no problems in distinguishing between c and t.

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