Secretary Anglicana 2: Sample Transcription Lines 1-7

Here is a sample transcription of lines 1-7 of this page from the Lay Folks' Catechism. I have split it into two sections. Because it is a long line, you may have to scroll sideways.

....................And in že lessinge of paine if žai passe hethen
Sacra- ..........že sext sacrament of hali kirk es order ..............................Ordo
mentum .......žat gifes power to žaim žat rightwiseli takes it
.vj .............. fforto serue in hali kirk after his state
In a modern printed scholarly edition, this would look very similar.
Translation :
.........................And in the lessening of pain if they pass hence. ...............................[i.e. die]
Sacra-.............. The sixth sacrament of Holy Church is Orders, ..............................Ordination
ment................. That gives power to those who take it rightfully ..........
6.......................To serve in Holy Church according to their degree,

and to žaim žat takes order of prest forto singe messe
and forto ministre sacramentes of hali kirk to žame žat falles
After že state at žai haue and žaire degre askes
Again, in a modern printed scholarly edition, this would look very similar.
Translation :
And to those who take the Order of Priesthood to sing Mass,
And to minister sacraments of Holy Church to them that it befits,
According to the status that they possess, and [as] their degree demands.

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