Accessing support and your Inclusive Learning and Support Plan (ILSP)

What is an Inclusive Learning and Support Plan (ILSP)?

Our Disability Service will use all of the information you provide when you register with the Disability and Inclusive Practice Service to create an Inclusive Learning and Support Plan (ILSP). An ILSP is your individual support plan which provides a summary of your individual circumstances and the reasonable adjustments you need for your studies. Your ILSP will be created as soon as possible following receipt of the documents and information provided when you register with the Disability Service.

For applicants: Your ILSP will be provided as soon as possible after you receive your Lancaster University IT account. This is normally about 4 weeks before you start your studies. If you are an applicant and you need to know more about the content of your ILSP prior to University Registration please contact the Disability and Inclusive Practice Service.

How do I view and share my ILSP?

Once your ILSP has been created, you will be notified by an email to view your ILSP on your Student Portal. You need to check, approve and confirm you want to share your ILSP content. Sharing your ILSP means that the relevant University staff can access the information in order to put your adjustments in place.

When you confirm and share your ILSP, your academic department(s) will be notified and asked to view your ILSP. They can understand your individual circumstances and put in place any relevant adjustments.

Can I change my ILSP?

Your ILSP is a living document and can be amended or updated if your circumstances change. If you have a DSA Study Needs Assessment or a Lancaster Support Review after your ILSP has been created, your ILSP will be reviewed and updated when we receive these reports. Please note that the Disability and Inclusive Practice Service will only receive a copy of these reports if you have given permission to share this information.

Your confirmed ILSP will remain to be viewed on your Student Portal for your reference. If you are unsure about any aspects of your ILSP send us a question about it by email or via ASK Enquiries.

Do Programme or Module competence standards affect my reasonable adjustments?

A competence standard is a particular level of competence or ability that you must demonstrate to be accepted on to, progress within and successfully complete a course or programme of study. Universities need competence standards to determine whether you have demonstrated the requirements to be awarded a qualification. In some subjects, your course may be subject to national professional competence standards set by the responsible body of your course, for example, the General Medical Council.

Although competence standards must be maintained, we can explore adjustments to the ways disabled students demonstrate competence standards. You can contact your department to ask about any competence standards that you need to demonstrate on your course. Please talk to the Disability and Inclusive Practice Service if you have any concerns or you think that you will need any adjustments to competence standards.

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