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Disability Effective Inclusive Policies Project (DEIP)

The Disability Effective Inclusive Policies (DEIP) Project is funded by the European Social Fund and co-ordinated by the Centre for Continuing Education at University of Sussex. Lancaster University is one of three partners the other is Bristol University.

The DEIP project aims to explore ways in which the Higher Education sector can support equality of opportunity in education and employment for people who are disadvantaged through a range of disabilities, and who may also be disadvantaged because of their race, gender, class and / or age.

At Lancaster we have been reviewing the literature relating to disability policy with respect to education and employment and reviewing institutional policy and practice to identify examples of good practice in relation to careers support and employability skills.

Researchers at Lancaster University and Sussex University have also explored the experiences and understandings of services through interviews with disabled students, university staff, disabled graduates, and employers.

DEIP Discussion Papers

The following discussion papers are based on the research activities of the DEIP project which have included analyses of institutional disability policy and interviews with disabled students, university staff, disabled graduates and employers.

The papers are designed to stimulate discussion in forums such as staff training sessions and in student seminars, though individuals may find these papers offer helpful sources of information for their personal use. The discussion papers may also serve as valuable resources for policy makers and practitioners concerned with making education and employment more accessible and inclusive.

The papers are not designed to offer authoritative advice and guidance on the topics discussed, rather, they are intended as resources to aid the discussion of complex issues and debates.

• Institutional Disability Policy analysis DP1 pdf 120kb
• Research methodology DP2 pdf 98kb
• Disability and disclosure DP3 pdf 98 kb
• Disabled students and employability DP4 pdf 100kb
• Transition issues: entering and leaving HE DP5 pdf 99kb
• Identity, disability and students in HE DP6 pdf 98kb
• University students experiencing mental health difficulties DP7 pdf 108kb
• Dyslexia: experiences of students and staff DP8 pdf 99kb
• University students with hearing impairments DP9 pdf 107kb
• Physical and sensory impairment DP10 pdf 101kb
• Graduate experiences DP 11 pdf 116kb
• Disability ‘Library’: references and resources DP12 pdf 114kb

For further information please contact: Ann-Marie Houghton

This project is supported by the Higher Education European Social Fund (HE ESF)

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