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 Ling 131: Language & Style

 Topic 12 - Meaning between the lines (Session A) > Inference and the Discourse Architecture of Drama > Task A skip topic navigation

Session Overview
Inference and the Discourse Architecture of Drama
Grice's Cooperative Principle
Practising Gricean Analysis
Top Girls
Conversational implicature and The Dumb Waiter
Gricean Self-Test
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Inference and the Discourse Architecture of Drama

Task A - Inference in the 'What did you think of the play?' example

Let's first go back to the example we introduced on the previous page:

We have just gone to see the performance of a play together. As we are coming out of the theatre you ask me:

two people leaving the theatre

'What did you think of the play?'
and I reply:
'The costumes were very impressive'

Although you know that I was impressed by the costumes, you also know that I probably didn't think much of the theatrical experience overall.

Try to work out how you can get from what is said in context to the kind of meaning suggested for it. Then compare your account with ours.

Our answer


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Next: Task B - Overhearers and audiences (and dramatic irony) next

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