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 Ling 131: Language & Style

Topic 2 (session B) - Being creative with words and phrases > Uncovering your intuitions about phrases > Task C

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Session Overview
Uncovering your intuitions about phrases
Playing with phrases
Phrases in the structure of sentences
Being creative with noun phrases: Edwin Morgan
Topic 2 tool summary
Useful Links
Grammar Website

Uncovering your intuitions about phrases

Task C - grammatical structure

If phrases can consist of more than one word, there can also be grammatical structure inside phrases. We can see this is actually the case by noticing that we have strong intuitions about the natural order for words inside phrases.

accessible / text version of taskWorking with your partner(s) first unscramble the following sets of words into acceptable English phrases by dragging and dropping them below.

Also try to identify the head word and what sort of phrase each is [noun phrase (NP), verb phrase (VP), adjective phrase (AdjP), adverb phrase (AdvP), prepositional phrase (PP)].

When you have worked out your answers for each one, use the button to reveal our comments:


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