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 Ling 131: Language & Style

 Topic 6 (session A) - Style and Style variation > Reregistration > Task A

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Session Overview
Style Variation in USA
Language Variation: Dialect
Language Variation: Register
Style Variation in a poem
Style: What is it?
Authorial and text style
Style Variation Checksheet
Topic 6 'tool' summary
Useful Links


Task A - Register borrowing (domain) - Alexander Pope

Below are some directions for writing an epic poem.

What register is being borrowed, to what purpose, and what is it about the language that helps you to you know these things? You can compare your thoughts with ours by clicking on the button after the text.

For a Tempest. Take Eurus, Zephyr, Auster and Boreas, and cast them together in one verse. Add to these of rain, lightening and of thunder, (the loudest you can) quantum sufficit. Mix your clouds and billows well together till they foam, and thicken your description here and there with a quicksand. Brew your tempest well in your head before you set it a-blowing.

(Alexander Pope more information about Alexander Pope, directions for composing an epic, in 'The Guardian', 1713)

our answer




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