Vasari on Raphael

Raphael 's work, particularly his work in Rome, together with that of Michelangelo, was seen by Vasari as marking the culmination of the process of artistic development which had been started by Cimabue. Together Raphael and Michelangelo achieved the 'perfetta regola dell'arte" ( Vasari, Le Vite, Testo III.6 and Vasari, Le Vite, Testo IV.8). Raphael is praised by Vasari for his 'grace and sweetness', and through him, 'the arts of painting, colouring and invention were harmoniously brought to a stage of completion and perfection that could hardly be hoped for' ( Vasari, Le Vite, Testo V!.155 and Vasari, Le Vite, Testo VI.211). Reynolds takes essentially the same view; Ruskin does not (see Reynolds on Raphael and Ruskin on Raphael).

