Claude 's Liber Veritatis. In 1635-6 Claude began to compile his 'book of truth' to prevent forgeries and, therefore, to protect the integrity of his work. The Liber Veritatis contains drawings of the majority of his work from that date onwards and Anthony Blunt has argued that the work confirms 'the range and intensity of [Claude's] observation' (1953, p.182). Since 1957 the book has been part of the British Museum collection, which also holds a major collection of Claude's nature drawings. However, this unique pictorial record is no longer in its original form. The book was dismembered in the eighteenth century when it was owned by Duke of Devonshire. The drawings were removed from the volume and remounted on grey paper and rebound in an album. In order to preserve the work, the British Museum now keeps the drawings separately as the book form was no longer expedient. The Liber Veritatis influenced the construction of Turner 's Liber Studiorum.