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Recent Projects


“Advanced Training System for Emergency Management.”

A European Commission IST funded project with nine partners in seven European countries. The project will develop and test a new approach to advanced technical training using an integarttion of artifical intelligence technologies and dynamic simulation modelling to create multimedia content within a real-time expert system for the domain of emergency management.

Further information at:

Contact: Julie-Ann Sime

CHEXIT – Consortium for Higher Education eXchange in Instructional and Information Technologies.

Six institutions of higher education have formed this consortium to promote a student centered US/EU dimension to education and training in the field of instructional and informational technologies. Lancaster website is at:
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EDNER - the formative evaluation of the UK higher education sector's Distributed National Electronic Resource (DNER) - was a three year project being undertaken by the Centre for Research in Library & Information Management (CERLIM) at the Manchester Metropolitan University and the Centre for Studies in Advanced Learning Technology (CSALT) at Lancaster University. It concluded on the 31st of July 2003.

CSALT was especially interested in the evaluation of the teaching and learning aspects of the DNER and issues papers and publications related to our work can be found on the EDNER web site.

Following the restructuring of the JISC, EDNER focussed on the development of the JISC Information Environment as well as the formative evaluation of the 5/99 Development Programme and its constituent projects. Although EDNER did not evaluate individual projects, it worked closely with all those involved in the Programme and shared lessons emerging from this important development as widely as possible.

The EDNER project was followed by a one year extension project from July 2003 until July 2004 EDNER+. Details of this project and its outcomes can be found at:


European and Latin American Consortium for IST Enhanced Continued Education in Environmental Management and Planning

We provided evaluative frameworks and support
The ELAC project was created with the objective of using Information-Society-Technologies (IST) to enhance continued education in environmental management and planning.
The establishment of continued education facilities in the Central American countries will enable joint co-operation in upgrading environmental management through joint courses and curricula development.
This will be developed and exchanged by the facilities developed under the ELAC project.
The ELAC project is sponsored by the European Commision under the @LIS Programme and managed by eCentre, Environment and Resources DTU located at the Technical University of Denmark.


The E-LEN project is a project under the Socrates Programme which aims to create a Network of E-Learning Centres and leading organisations in the learning technologies. More >


EQUEL stands for ‘e-quality in e-learning’ and is a virtual centre of excellence for innovation and research in networked learning in higher and post-compulsory education. EQUEL was a European project that involves key researchers and e-learning practitioners from 14 European institutions of higher education. It was supported by the e-learning Initiative of the European Commission.

The aim of EQUEL was to foster European knowledge and understanding of the effects of e-learning practice, theory and philosophy through building a research and practitioner network of experts working in the field.

EQUEL was concerned to develop and extend understanding about approaches to e-learning which are:

This was achieved primarily through the establishment of 7 Special Interest Groups (SIGs) co-ordinated by members of the 14 partner consortium.


The EFX Project was a short-term measure providing support for projects funded under the Joint Information Systems Committee's FAIR and X4L Programmes. It began on 1st October 2002 and concluded on 31st July 2003. EFX was a joint initiative between CERLIM and Lancaster University's Centre for Studies in Advanced Learning Technologies (CSALT) and built on the work of the EDNER and Link ER Projects.


“Environment for Team, Organisational and Individual Learning in Emergencies”.

European Commission ESPRIT Programme, IT for Learning and Training in Industry. The ETOILE consortium is researching and developing team training for key personnel in Emergency Response teams. The project began in September 1998 and will finish in March 2001.

The research focuses on the development of team competencies and the awareness of the shared mental models of the emergency response.

Two demonstrator training systems are being developed for the Bilbao Metro (Spain) and the Cofrentes Nuclear Power Plant (Spain). The systems are utilising new technologies that include virtual reality with avatars, distributed simulation, and intelligent agents to simulate team members.

Further information at:

Isolus II

Intermediate Storage of Laid-Up Submarines. The focus of the project is to provide a variety of mechanisms in support of public consultation on the options available for decommissioned nuclear submarines. More >

Link ER

The Link ER project undertook formative evaluation of the JISC DiVLE programme, a series of nine short projects each addressing some aspect of these technical, pedagogical and organizational issues. It concluded on the 31 st July 2003. Details of the DiVLE programme can be found at



MONET was a Network of Industrialists, Academics and Researchers with a common long-term technological development objective in Model Based Systems & Qualitative Reasoning (MBS & QR). More >


The MUSCLE project was a JISC funded project to develop a vertical learning space across Schools, Colleges and University. More >


Networked Learning in Higher Education

The project is designed to create a coherent picture of students' experiences of networked learning in UK higher education, and to provide an analysis of relationships between students' approaches to networked learning, salient features of networked learning environments, and learning outcomes.

Further information at:

Networked Learning for Educational Leaders

The Networked Learning for Educational Leaders research project will studied information and communication technologies as they impact upon networked management learning for educational leaders. The study was designed to inform how the Centre for Excellence in Leadership rolls out its own forms of networked learning and shape the sort of advice it can give to others on this issue. More >

School of the Future

The focus of the project was to examine children’s designs for a future school and to compare these to current designs and initiatives. More >


The aim of the VirRAD platform is to create a virtual community to facilitate communication between all members of the worldwide Radiopharmaceutical community. More >


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