What This Course Doesn't Provide

Although these pages contain information which can also be found in the book "Corpus Linguistics", they are intended as a supplement to the book. It wasn't our intention to include everything here in detail, so we apologise in advance if we've left out your favourite study or collection of theories. In some of the web-based sections you will be advised to read about a topic in more detail, or to read about related subjects, and given the appropriate page numbers in "Corpus Linguistics".

This website only supplements the first four chapters of the book. The remaining chapters, not covered here include:

  • Corpora and Computational Linguistics
    • Part-of-Speech Analysis, Automated Lexicography, Corpora and Lexicography, Parsing, Machine Translation
  • A Case Study: Sublanguages
    • Formulation of a Hypothesis, Choosing the Corpora, Limiting Claims, Studies of Closure, Drawing Conclusions
  • Where to Now?
    • The Past and the Present, The Future, Conclusions, Appendices.

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