Networked Learning conference 2016
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ΕDECES  MODEL: Learning Design For Technology Enhanced Learning

Chryssa Themelis, Bolton University

Intended Audience

  1. Educators
  2. Vocational trainers
  3. Human resource managers
  4. Policy makers
  5. Instructional designers
  6. Educational researchers

Workshop Description
The workshop aims to address trends in learning, education, job market and EU priorities which could lead to different instructional perspective. The format of the learning design is based on a new model called EDECES: create more experiences (less instructions more real - life scenarios, prosopognosia, and visual representation of knowledge) and personal learning spaces (personalized curriculum, choices, mind maps), active critical dialogue and peer reviewing, explanations more about how participants have learnt rather than what, and adaptation to new digital environments (non-textual reflections and real-time reflexivity), creativity (products of rhizomatic learning), constant democratic evaluation (weekly polls) and finally sharing with the community of practice (build a networked learning organism). While connecting human to human and information, the EDECES model relies on the powers of the networks to maximize impacts and reach learning objectives. It is important to discover new paths and follow them to see where they are going like Odysseus looking for Ithaca.

Participant Engagement

  1. Dialogue
  2. Smartphones/laptops
  3. Visual story telling techniques
  4. Poll

Participant Outcomes

  1. Talk about new trends in education, learning, job market, EU policies
  2. See a different perspective on online learning
  3. Learn potential uses of non-text resources
  4. Comment on an innovative instructional design

Workshop Alignment with Conference Themes

1. Critical ideas and emerging issues
2. Designs for networked learning

Workshop Process/Activities

ACTIVITY 1. (Smartphones needed) 10’ with dialogue with the participants

  1. Who are your students? How could you find out?
  2. Who are you online?
  3. Is the community able to alter the curriculum?

ACTIVITY 2. (Storytelling, vlog) 30

1. What means to experience something rather than reading about it?
2. Talk about a learning experience versus a learning based on texts?
3. Create or find a visual map of a learning experience (Use paper, smartphones, laptops)

ACTIVITY 3. (Real –time poll) 10’
Do you find this workshop/dialogue interesting? Yes/No

ACTIVITY 4: (Build your networked learning organism: Rizomatic learning & creativity) 10’

  1. Build a network for a learning objective
  2. Case studies, personal experiences



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