Changing Faces Home Page

Interview Protocol

See also:

Practical Procedures for Interviewing

Interview Themes and Sections

Underlying Issues and Frameworks for Interpreting Interviewee Accounts

  1. What ideologies underly peoples' involvements with ABE? [how do people talk about why they were/are involved in ABE? e.g. their purposes, commitments, what drove people to get involved? what triggered involvement, what did they hope to achieve? Political commitments and affiliations and involvements, views and understandings of the bigger political context affecting ABE ]
  2. What views of "the learner" do they hold [who are the learners? What are their characteristics/motivations/ what do they bring to ABE/ what are their rights and obligations as learners? Ask people to describe a recent learner they have worked with, and the first one they ever met?]
  3. What are their views of "the tutor" [who are they? And what are their characteristics/motivations/ what do they bring to ABE/ what are their rights and obligations as practitioners? Ask people to describe a tutor who they have worked with]
  4. What are their views of "the policymaker" [who are they? And what are their characteristics/motivations/ what do they bring to ABE/ what are their rights and obligations as policymakers? Ask people to describe someone they know who has been involved with policy, either locally, regionally or nationally]
  5. What views do they hold of the teaching/learning process [what model(s) do they identify? How do they talk about the power relations involved? Technologies? Links with other types of learning/education? Timing and length of learning etc etc. Prompt for specific details of what they do now, and how this has changed from when they started in the field].

What views do they hold about the organizational context of learning [what kinds of institutional frameworks do they assume or advocate? How are these views affected by the type of organisations the interviewee has worked for and within.
