This page contains downloads and documentation for the software and tools we have developed for our research on LoRa.
A SDK based on LMiC for LoRa (Semtech SX1272/SX1276) based sensor nodes, including LoRaBlink; a simple TDMA-style tree collection protocol. Read More
LoRa for the Internet of Things, Martin Bor, John Vidler, and Utz Roedig, MadCom 2016.
A discrete-event simulator based on SimPy for simulating collisions in LoRa network and to analyse scalability. Read More
Do LoRa Low-Power Wide-Area Networks Scale?, Martin Bor, Utz Roedig, Thiemo Voigt, and Juan Alonso, MSWiM 2016.
Mitigating Inter-Network Interference in LoRa Networks, Thiemo Voigt, Martin Bor, Utz Roedig, and Juan Alonso, EWSN 2017.