deaths: locations of 578 deaths pumps: locations of 13 water-pumps These data consist of the locations of 578 deaths from cholera, and the position of 13 water pumps (wells). Each coordinate point in the file "cholera.deaths" specifies the address of a person who died from cholera. When many points are associated with a single street address, they are "stacked" in a line away from the street so that they are more easily visualized. This is how they are displayed on John Snow's original map. The dates of the deaths are not recorded. The significance of the map is that, by closing the Broad Street pump by removing its handle, Dr. Snow supposedly stopped the epidemic, and demonstrated that cholera is a water-borne disease. This was not previously understood. The map is the most famous and classical example in the field of medical cartography. For more details, an informative source is: A. Cliff & P. Haggett, 1988, Atlas of Disease Distributions, Blackwell, Oxford, ISBN 0-631-13149-3 Adapted from: Waldo Tobler National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis Geography Department University of California Santa Barbara CA 93106-4060 1/10/94 Data and text were downloaded from: