Trivikram Dokka



Published and Accepted Papers


Particle swarm metaheuristics for robust combinatorial optimization problems with implementation uncertainty

with Marc Goerigk and Martin Hughes.

Forthcoming – Computers and Operations Research.


Mixed Uncertainty Sets for Robust Combinatorial Optimization (arxiv)

with Marc Goerigk and Rahul Roy

Optimization Letters.


Algorithms and uncertainty sets for data-driven robust shortest path problems

with Marc Goerigk and Andre Chassein

European Journal of Operational Research, 274(2), 671-686, 2019.


Future research directions in demand management

with Arne Strauss, John Harvery and Christine Currie

Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, doi:10.1057/s41272-018-0139-z.


Fast separation for the three-index assignment problem

with Yiannis Mourtos and Frits Spieksma

Mathematical Programming Computation 9, 39-59, 2017.


On the complexity of Wafer-to-Wafer Integration

With Marin Bougeret, Vincent Boudet and Rodolphe Giroudeau

Discrete Optimization 22, 255-269, 2016.


Facets of the axial three-index assignment polytope

with Frits Spieksma

Discrete Applied Mathematics 201, 86-104, 2016.


Pricing toll roads under uncertainty

with Sonali Sen Gupta, Alain Zemkoho and Fabrice Talla Nobibon

16th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS), 4, 4:1-4:14, 2016.


Multi-Dimensional Vector Assignment Problems

with Yves Crama and Frits Spieksma

Discrete Optimization 14, 111-125, 2014.


Approximation Algorithms for the Wafer-to-Wafer Integration Problem

with Marin Bougeret, Vincent Boudet, Rodolphe Giroudeau and Frits Spieksma

Approximation and Online Algorithms (WAOA), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7846, 286-297, 2012.


Approximating the Multi-Level Bottleneck Assignment Problem

with Anastasia Kouvela and Frits Spieksma

 Operations Research Letters 40, 282-286, 2012.


Revised/ In-review Papers


On surrogate and group relaxation for integer linear programs.

with Adam N Letchford and Mansoor Hasan.


Column generation algorithms for the wafer-to-wafer integration problem. (pdf)

with Yves Crama, Frits Spieksma, and Guillerme Duvillie.


On the complexity of the multi-level bottleneck assignment problem.

with Marc Goerigk.


A note on the approximability of busy time batch scheduling with integer pre-emption. (pdf available on request).


Automatic generation of algorithms for black-box robust optimization problems.

with Marc Goerigk and Martin Hughes


Equilibrium design by coarse correlation in quadratic games. (pdf available on request).

With Herve Moulin, Sonali Sen Gupta and Indrajit Ray.


Working / In-preparation/ In-revision


Non-parametric dynamic pricing: a non-adversarial robust optimization approach. (pdf)

with Peter Jacko and Waseem Aslam.


Network pricing under ambiguity. (pdf available on request).

with Alain Zemkoho, Fabrice Talla Nobibon and Sonali Sen Gupta.


Anomalous behaviour of dual-based heuristics. (pdf)

with Adam N Letchford and Mansoor Hasan.