International Relations: Theory and Practice

We will introduce you to some of the central aspects of the discipline of International Relations, providing a firm grounding in the major concepts and debates necessary to understand the modern world of international politics. You will have the opportunity to learn about: the dominant features and power relations of the contemporary global system; the nature of sovereignty and security, their expression and limitations; the real-world problems confronting the international community today.

Areas of study typically include:

+ International Relations Theory: the study of how relations between states can and should be viewed and theorised, Realism, Liberalism, Constructivism and Feminism.

+ Regional Studies: the study of some of the key regions of the world, and the politics of their interactions.

+ International Institutions and Law: the international organisations, customs, and rules that govern inter-state relationships.

+ Global Politics and Belief: the study of how religious and ideological belief can shape international politics and the relation of states.

+ International Crises: the study of pressing issues confronting the international community, such as environmental collapse, technological advance, the rise of non-state actors, and terrorism.

+ International Relations and the Domestic: the study of how the domestic agendas can shape and influence international politics.

Because of the increasing interdependence of the national and global, domestic politics and international relations can no longer be properly understood in isolation from one another. To ensure the best possible foundation for a degree in International Relations, in first year, we strongly recommend you also take Politics in the Modern World.