Module: Acquiring
Intercultural Competence
Syllabus Content Area 5
2 sessions, 4 hours
Expectations, motivation, objectives .
This area consists of 2
Topic One
Expectations, motivation, objectives in preparation for
the YA
Aims and objectives:
to enable students to clarify their objectives for
personal and professional development
to identify the opportunities offered by a PRA
to enable students to recognise personal skills
affecting their ability to adapt to living and working abroad
to develop strategies for operating competently in
another country
to increase the potential for acquiring personal
transferable organisational skills and enhance their employability
Learning activities:
Guided discussion about motivation and competences:
which factors came into play when you opted for your
course of study? areas of competence, family, financial situation, geographic
situation, general motivation, grades, age, professional and other personal
opportunities and constraints
how do competences which have been developed and the
knowledge which has been acquired determine your choice of career path?
what other competences need to be developed?
how will you use the support and guidance offered by the
university’s Careers service?
Write out what you expected your university education
to do for you:
Write out a list of personal and professional
Make a list of the reasons for going abroad (mandatory
or optional part of the course?); discuss and compare
Make a list of available support structures for the
PPA (literature, videos, web, your university’s PPA workshops and general
support and guidance); discuss your personal use of these facilities (suggested
as preparation activity in students' own time)
Search ICP databases for elements of expectations,
motivation and objectives (suggested
as preparation activity in students' own time)
are they much in evidence? did expectations generally
relate to the self or to others? were expectations generally met?
do any patterns emerge which link expectations and
motivation or the lack of them to disappointment with the host culture?
are there instances of unsuccessful placements? is it
clear whether lack of success was linked to low / high expectations or
extraneous factors?
Discuss differences in preparation between
Search ICP databases for accounts of preparation
and setting of objectives for PRA; are there any examples of preparation
which you would not follow?
Visit PRA websites (LARA and
Look for answers to questions relating to practical issues which are of
particular relevance to you. Discuss your findings and the extent to
which they match your expectations.
as preparation activities in students' own time)
Discuss steps taken to secure placements:
availability of placements
tutor role, appointments
personal input
how important was a CV?
how important was personal contact (if applicable)?
how relevant is your professional experience?
how clearly defined is your role during your placement
abroad? is additional clarification needed? how will this be
are there any requirements which mark a very clear
distinction between your prospective placement and your present situation?
define these
what do others expect from you? employer etc.
This contains some elements from the Leeds workshops.
Alternatively, the Leeds workshops may be used in their entirety.
Topic 2 (Careers
workshop following the YA)
Expectations, motivation, objectives after the year abroad
Aims and Objectives:
to reflect on the process of intercultural learning
inherent to the nature of their placements
to audit personal and professional skills acquired
during the PRA
to reflect on the ability to adapt to living and working
abroad and the implications for future employment
to develop strategies for further developing the
potential for intercultural professional skills and enhance their employability
Learning Activities:
Activities led by module tutor:
Guided discussion about personal development and
what have you gained from the year abroad in terms of
general personal development?
how does it make you more employable in general terms?
what intercultural insights did you gain from your
what intercultural skills do you think you developed
how do they impact on your employability?
compare the opportunities for intercultural learning
with those offered in other kinds of placement
Write a CV and a letter of application for a job in the
country of your PRA (imagine writing to the same employer(s) as you did before
the YA)
- reflect on the differences : your attitude, motivation,
confidence, linguistic competence, experience, increased intercultural
Guided discussions, led by careers tutor:
Employability skills from Year Abroad
what are employability skills?
in what ways are employability skills developed abroad
different or similar to those developed "at home"?
why are employability skills critical? (changing nature
of careers and career paths)
What do employers want from graduates?
- language and intercultural skills; demands and
expectations of employers in UK and abroad
How do students create employability skills?
raising awareness of own skills, strengths, weaknesses
action planning and developing opportunities to develop
weak skills
keeping logs and records of progress
Audit of own employability skills, defining one’s
Translating employability skills into real life
- where to find opportunities for skills development:
paid, unpaid work
Being selective about one’s skills