Report on 1997/1998

  1. Project Activities;
  2. Norah Lambourne Archive;
  3. Maureen Pemberton Bequest;
  4. The Belgian Connection;
  5. Coventry;
  6. Publications and Papers.

The Project continued work in those areas highlighted in 1996/1997. In particular, Professor King is working on the electronic facsimile edition of the Coventry Mystery Plays, and on the York Cycle and the liturgy; Professor Twycross was busy on an intensive study of the iconography and practics of stage heavens, with particular reference to the York Mercers’ pageant waggon, and pursuing the joint project with the Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven. Both were concerned with continuing research into the iconography and provence of the so-called ‘Bolton Hours’. Further investigations of material in the British Library were made.

Besides the academic research, much of the year's work was devoted to technical matters . The Project team acquired two good-quality flatbed scanners, and Nikon Super Coolscan 35mm-slide scanner, which together with the CD-writers greatly increased productivity and removed the necessity of depending on outside agents for any but the most specialised scanning work. The team also further investigated the operation of various forms of multimedia software and of XML.

After consultation with the university librarians, steps were taken towards the further conservation of the various archives in our care.

We also gave priority to investigating the question of copyright in the various materials we hold. Bird and Bird, Solicitors, kindly gave us permission to reproduce the legal opinion given to E.Martin Browne on the possible repercussions of performing the York Cycle in 1951 in an article on the subject. The prospect of clearing copyright on the entire archive is daunting but must be tackled: it could take several years.

The Project Directors had a heavy programme of conference and other papers .

Several Associates joined the Project during the course of 1997-8: