Letter Forms
We have met all the letter forms before. However, the two scribes do not always use the same forms, and it is interesting to compare them. Charter A is much more formal: the flourishes are more angular and elaborate. Charter B is more casual, and the letter forms less complex.
I have placed those you might mix up next to each other.
Charter A 1401 |
Charter B 1499 |
Charter A 1401 |
Charter B 1499 |
Charter A 1401 |
Charter B 1499 |
Charter A 1401 |
Charter B 1499 |
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Return to Charter B.
Capital Letters are also variants of the same form.
Charter A 1401 |
Charter B 1499 |
Charter A 1401 |
Charter B 1499 |
Charter A 1401 |
Charter B 1499 |
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