Summer Academy in Atlantic History

About the Academy

The best ambassadors for what we do are the students who have passed through the Academy. Here are just a few testimonials from past Acadamicians.

The discussions and comments I received from the SAAH helped me re-shape and strengthen the final chapters of my dissertation--which in turn helped earn me a prestigious postdoc. The junior and established scholars that I met at SAAH continue to have a significant impact on my work as an Atlantic historian. I am grateful for the ongoing collaboration with colleagues from that seminar.

Amanda J. Snyder
Postdoctoral Fellow in Historical Writing/ Visiting Professor, Dept of History, Florida International University

CraigI found the Summer Academy to be an amazing experience as a young academic embarking on a new project, and highly recommend it to anyone interested in Atlantic History. I was able to get incredibly detailed feedback on my proposal from some of the leading historians in the field and to meet fellow graduate students who have become friends for life.

Craig Gallagher
Ph.D. Candidate in History, Boston College
If you'd like to see the steam train as well as Craig, click on Craig's image.

ElodiePeyrolThe Summer Academy of Atlantic History was an enriching experience; immersed in presentations and debates which helped shape my dissertation. I also met interesting doctoral students and professors with whom I still work and exchange ideas. I recommend the SAAH to doctoral students as one of the most effective ways of improving research.

Elodie Peyrol-Kleiber
Assistant Professor, Université de Poitiers, France

The SAAH was a unique opportunity to gain a grounding in Atlantic history, engage with prominent scholars in the field, and get to know fellow graduate students and their work. What's more, all of this took place in a supportive, collegial environment. As a lively and critical conversation on the Atlantic World, the SAAH has changed my thinking about the history of the modern world.

Frank Kelderman
Ph.D. Candidate, University of Michigan

The Summer Academy genuinely changed my life! It enabled me to meet other graduate students, who now remain wonderful colleagues and firm friends. As a direct result of the SAAH I’ve presented at a number of conferences in Europe and America on panels with the people I met through SAAH. It also set my CV apart on the job market, and I’m now an Assistant Professor in a tenure track position in the US.

Dr. Charlotte. V. Carrington-Farmer
Assistant Professor in Early American History, Roger Williams University, Bristol, RI., USA

As a second year PhD student, the SAAH provided me with a supportive environment in which to raise questions about the direction and content of my research project. It gave me the chance to interact with highly respected academics in my field and create helpful connections which I utilize to this day.

Dr Emily Buchnea
Research Assistant, Newcastle University Business School, UK