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 Ling 131: Language & Style

 Topic 6 (session A) - Style and Style variation > Style: what is it? > Task C

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Session Overview
Style Variation in USA
Language Variation: Dialect
Language Variation: Register
Style Variation in a poem
Style: What is it?
Authorial and text style
Style Variation Checksheet
Topic 6 'tool' summary
Useful Links

Style: what is it?

Task C - Our Comments:

The style variation in these sentences is based almost entirely on lexical variation - words which refer to roughly the same thing

1. The filly has snuffed it. (Informal)

2. The nag has kicked the bucket.

3. The stallion has met his maker. (Neutral)

4. The Horse has died.

5. The steed has expired. (Formal)






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