Linguistic Innovators: The English of Adolescents in London Lancaster University Home Page
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Project funded by the ESRC (grant RES-000-23-0680).
The project runs from October 2004 to September 2007.

Principal investigator: Paul Kerswill
Co-investigator: Jenny Cheshire

London is said to be the source of linguistic innovation in Britain in pronunciation and grammar. Quantitative sociolinguistic research in the southeast centres outside London, and notes great dialect levelling (homogenisation), with features apparently diffusing from London. London has not yet seen a systematic sociolinguistic study, and we will remedy this. Our study takes account of (1) London’s massive multilingualism; (2) linguistic innovation in adolescence; (3) the effect of a ‘multiracial vernacular’ among young Londoners on mainstream speech; (4) differences in ethnic makeup, mobility and networks between inner and outer London, resulting in differences in capacity to innovate and spread linguistic features. We sample 16-19 year olds in two boroughs, using quantitative and qualitative methods to find explanations for their speech patterns. We seek the origins of linguistic change in London’s complex social mix, thus gaining a critical understanding of levelling in Britain.

This project is a study of the spoken English of London, the first to be undertaken for some time and the first taking full and explicit account of the diversity of London’s population and its social and geographical mobility. Many linguists have claimed that London is in fact the origin of many changes in spoken British English – a claim we will test, since it is not obvious that it is true in every detail. The project tries to answer the following questions:

i) What are the characteristics of London English today? How has it changed from traditional ‘Cockney’? Which Cockney features are still thriving? How do Londoners differ in the way they speak? What social factors (e.g. ethnicity, district, gender, class, age) seem to account for these differences?

ii) Do London features spread out from London to other accents and dialects in the south-east and beyond? If so, which? Do all features spread in the same way and the same direction? If not, how can we explain these differences?

iii) What effect does the massive multilingualism of London have on the English spoken there? (One-third of the primary school population does not have English as a first language).

iv) What types of Londoners are linguistically innovative in their pronunciations and grammatical features? Are these differences in innovativeness related to ethnicity, gender, degree of geographical mobility and type of friendship groups?

v) Are there different types of linguistic innovations in inner vs. outer London boroughs? Do these depend on factors such as differences in affluence, mobility and the proportion of second-language English speakers?

vi) In what kind of contexts (e.g., formal interviews vs. ordinary chat with friends) do particular pronunciations and grammatical features turn up? Does this give up a window on how features are spread from person to person?

The project starts from the insight that young people are innovative linguistically. It investigates the possibility that this innovativeness, in the context of the strongly multiethnic metropolis of London, leads to changes in the spoken English of Britain as a whole. It is often noted that young people are able to put on a range of different ‘voices’ – often to achieve special effects, and often playfully. Some of this involves using speech patterns characteristic of ethnic groups other than their own: for example, a white teenager will on occasion use ‘black’ or ‘Asian’ English pronunciations. This leads to the possibility that non-majority speech forms find their way into mainstream English.

To answer the questions, we will record the speech of 64 16-19-year-old college students in two east London boroughs, as well as 16 elderly residents – a total of 80 subjects. As a benchmark, we will also use the limited number of good-quality older recordings that exist.

1. London as the origin of change

Writing about London in 1982, Wells asserted that ‘its working-class accent is today the most influential source of phonological innovation in England and perhaps in the whole English-speaking world.’ (p301). This claim is in line with the ‘gravity’ model of geographical diffusion (Britain 2002a). Yet it remains an article of faith: while there have been accountable sociolinguistic studies of several British cities, all of which claim to detect the influence of London, none has dealt with the English of the capital itself. This project fills this gap. Besides its purely descriptive intent (i), it addresses five further sets of research questions (ii–vi):

i. What are some of the characteristics of spoken English in London in terms of phonetic and grammatical features? How do these vary along the broad parameters of district, class, ethnicity and gender? How have these features, and their non-linguistic correlations, changed since previous published studies?

ii. What evidence is there that phonological and grammatical innovations start in London and spread out from there? New speech data from London needs to be compared with older and more recent data from London and elsewhere in order to establish the direction and linguistic nature of changes.

iii. One-third of London’s primary school children have a first language other than English (Baker/Eversley 2000). Does this degree of multilingualism have any long-term impact on ‘mainstream’ English? Does the use of a teenage ‘multiracial vernacular English’ identified by Hewitt (1986:151), Rampton (1995:125f) and Sebba (1993:59f) lead to change?

iv. Which types of Londoners, socially defined, innovate linguistically? Which types are in a position to spread innovations, once started?

v. Given differences between inner and outer London boroughs in ethnic profile, proportion of recent migrants, non-first language English speakers, and socio-economic class, is there evidence that different linguistic features, including innovations, are characteristic of inner vs. outer London?

vi. In what kinds of conversational contexts do we find non-standard features, including innovations, manifested? That is, are such features manipulated on account of their symbolic value, linked perhaps to ethnic and other identities (Rampton 1995; Eckert 2000)?

The project will give a nuanced view of the social embedding of change in London English. It will also give a clear picture of the direction of influence both geographically and socially, in a way never before attempted for London or the country as a whole. It will impact on the sociolinguistic study of language change, while broadening understanding of language in multilingual communities in a way that can inform policy and practice.

2. Literature on dialect levelling in British English since 1990

British English accents and dialects have undergone dialect levelling – “a process whereby differences between regional varieties are reduced, features which make varieties distinctive disappear, and new features emerge which are adopted by speakers over a wide geographical area” (Williams/Kerswill 1999:149; Britain 2002b). While ‘levelling’ evokes a picture of simultaneous attrition, it is plain that the process is mainly one of dialect diffusion: features spreading across geographical space. Articles in Foulkes/Docherty (1999) provide evidence. Thus, th-fronting (the replacement of ‘th’ by ‘f’ or ‘v’ in words like think and other), a feature of London English for more than 150 years and Bristol for 100, appears to have spread to Reading with the generation born in the 1930s/40s, to Norwich 20 years later, followed by the North (Kerswill 2003). Vowel features, however, radiate out locally, from urban centres like Newcastle: there is little national levelling (Watt/Milroy 1999, Watt 2002, Watt/Tillotson 2001, Cheshire et al. 1999). Around London, Cheshire et al. 1999, Williams/Kerswill 1999 and Torgersen/Kerswill 2004 found strong convergence between vowels in Reading, Milton Keynes and Ashford (Kent). Grammatical features are also subject to diffusion and levelling, resulting in only around a dozen features now being widespread (Cheshire et al. 1989). Studies include Tagliamonte 1998, Britain 2002c, Pietsch fc and Cheshire et al. fc.

However, the paucity of studies of English in London is a lacuna in our understanding of levelling and diffusion: we have no direct evidence that the innovations started here. Studies to date are old, have small sample sizes, or have non-sociolinguistic aims. These include Sivertsen 1960, Hurford 1967, Beaken 1971, Harris 1990 and Tollfree 1996. They provide some baseline information. Of broader scope is Hudson/Holloway 1977, an account of phonological variation among London 14-15-year-olds. It shows class and/or gender polarisation for some features. With reservations, it constitutes a viable baseline. Wells 1982:301-334 provides a thorough description. Tollfree 1999 offers a phoneme-by-phoneme account of working- and middle-class accents.

3. Approaches to dialect diffusion and levelling

This project is informed by previous ESRC-funded research by us. The British Dialect Grammar project (A survey of British dialect grammar, 1986-88 (ref. C00232264)) (Cheshire, Edwards & Whittle 1989/93) logged the geographical distribution of non-standard grammatical features through a school-based questionnaire. The Milton Keynes project (A new dialect in a new city: children’s and adults’ speech in Milton Keynes, 1990-94 (ref. R000232376). ESRC evaluation: “outstanding”) focused on levelling in new-dialect formation/koineisation (Kerswill/Williams 2000a). Levelling on a wider geographical scale was the focus of the Dialect Levelling project (The role of adolescents in dialect levelling, 1995-99 (ref. R000236180). ESRC evaluation: “outstanding”), covering Reading, Milton Keynes and Hull (Cheshire et al. 1999). It noted differences in the patterning of features, depending on their level (vowels, consonants, grammar) and their ‘salience’. The projects dealt with class and mobility (Kerswill/Williams 1999), peer groups and networks (Kerswill/Williams 2000a) and identity (Kerswill/Williams 1997). They were based on children and young adolescents, the supposed ‘movers and shakers’ in language change (Kerswill 1996; Croft 2000; Eckert 2000; Roberts 2002). In 2003, an ESRC-funded MA+PhD student of Kerswill’s (Khan) examined Asian and Black adolescent speech in Reading, comparing this with our results. The innovative variants are much less advanced among Black and, particularly, Asian adolescents.

The proposed project focuses on London, the purported origin of many of these changes. It is not possible without real-time methodology to trace actual changes. However, by comparing old and new data, we can detect whether changes already noted are more, or less, advanced in London. We will look for the type of social network in which linguistic innovations might take place. Following Eckert’s 2000 Detroit study, we consider inner- vs. outer-city speech by recording speakers from both areas. We look for innovators and propagators, informed by the work of J. Milroy 1992 and Milroy/Milroy 1992.

This distinction is related to the notions of endogenous (system-internal) vs. exogenous (contact-induced) change (Andersen 1989; Trudgill 1999): we expect endogenous changes in big cities. We are also expect exogenous change caused by contact between different ethnic groups and between different social groups.


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