About Steve Group Members Alumni Publications

  • Steve's paper "Towards Shorter Composite 180° Refocusing Pulses for NMR" has been published in the Journal of Magnetic Resonance [Get Reprint].

  • Steve visited the University of Durham on 17-19 June 2024 to carry out some 7Li NMR experiments with Dr Karen Johnston and her research group.

  • Steve visited the University of Nottingham on 3-6 June 2024 to carry out some 23Na NMR experiments in the Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre with Dr Galina Pavlovskaya.

  • Steve attended the 65th Experimental NMR Conference in Pacific Grove, California (7-11 April 2024) where he gave a short talk entitled "Biexponential I = 3/2 Spin-Lattice Relaxation in the Solid State: Multiple-Quantum 7Li NMR as a Probe of Fast Ion Dynamics".

  • Steve's paper "Biexponential I = 3/2 Spin-Lattice Relaxation in the Solid State: Multiple-Quantum 7Li NMR as a Probe of Fast Ion Dynamics" with collaborators George Rudman and Karen Johnston of Durham University has been published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C [Get Reprint].

  • Steve visited the University of Nottingham on 29 February 2024 and presented a talk entitled "Multiple-Quantum 23Na and 7Li NMR: Something Old, Something New". His hosts in the Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre were Dr Galina Pavlovskaya and Professor Thomas Meersmann.

    Old News

  • The 4.7 T magnet during a liquid helium fill

  • Live FIDCAM

  • Last updated: 10 September 2024

    Department of Chemistry, Faraday Building, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YB, United Kingdom

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