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Horizon 2020 - the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation

We are pleased to inform you that Mrs. Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, European Commissioner for Research and Innovation, has announced on 21 June 2011 the new name for the future EU funding programme for research and innovation: "Horizon 2020 - the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation". It will enter into force on 1 January 2014, after the end of FP7 on 31 Dec 2013.

"Horizon 2020 - the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation" is not just a new name for the same Framework Programme. It is the name for the new, integrated funding system that will cover all research and innovation funding currently provided through the Framework Programme for Research and Technical Development, the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). These different types of funding will be brought together in a coherent and flexible manner. Research and innovation funding will focus clearly on addressing global challenges. Needless red tape will be cut out and access to programs and participation will be made easier and simpler.

More details can be found in the press release as well as the website of the European Commission: . Many thanks for your attention and please disseminate this information to partners in your project, if applicable.



From April 2010 all Research Council finance services have been transfered to a central operation called SSC Ltd. From procurement activities alone they are on target to achieve savings of £25m this financial year and these savings are being reinvested into the core business of the Research Councils in supporting excellent research. With the current pressure on public spending, the Research Councils need to ensure their administration costs are as efficient as possible by harmonising the administration functions of the seven organisations.

Inclusion of unnamed researchers in grant proposals

New research staff appointed to Grade 6 are offered LGO pension rather than USS, and costs in pFACT are calculated on this basis. However, researchers on Grade 6 who were in post before August 2006 may already be members of USS. If you are including an unnamed RA (Grade 6) in your proposal and you think there is a possibility that the post will be filled by an internal candidate please contact RSO. The costs can then be corrected to ensure that the funds requested are sufficient to cover the USS pension contributions. If you intend to recruit a researcher with several years experience you may want to consider costing the post on Grade 7 rather than towards the top of Grade 6.

Human Tissue Act

The Human Tissue Act, regulating the use and storage of human tissue, came into force on 1 September 2006 and in order to ensure the University complies with this legislation research involving human tissue should be undertaken on the basis that:

Human tissue can be defined as material that has come from the human body and consists of, or includes, human cells. If your research involves human tissue, or you have tissue stored from past research and you have not yet discussed it with RSO please contact Sarah Taylor as soon as possible. Please pass this information to colleagues if you believe it to be relevant.

Timesheets reminder

As you may be aware there is now a requirement for timesheets to be kept on Research Council FEC grants. Timesheets must be completed for any Directly Incurred staff who are working less than 100% time on the project.

There is also a requirement for all staff who are paid from European Commission grants to complete timesheets. As the funding rules have changed under FP7 this may now include academic staff.

Timesheets are needed for audit requirements in both these cases and failure to provide them may result in costs being rejected by the funder. A sample timesheet can be downloaded here.

If you have any queries about timesheets please contact the Research Support Office.

Wellcome Trust Guidelines on Good Research Practice

The updated Guidelines PDF is now available from the Wellcome Trust website. This was first published in January 2002 and has been updated to take account of the Trust policy statement made jointly with MRC and BBSRC on managing risks of misuse associated with grant funding activities.

Last updated: 24.07.2014

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