REPORT 1999/2000

The Project continued to work on
  • research into the various areas covered by the Project, particularly the relation between the York Plays and the liturgy, and comparative material in the Low Countries;
  • conference papers on various topics associated with the Project's work (see below);
  • publication on CD-ROM of various projects undertaken by Project members, starting with the work demo'd at DRH 1999;
  • disseminating information about the Project's activities. This included providing material via the WWW for a local school doing a Millennium project on the Mystery Plays, and answering a variety of e-mail questions on mystery plays in general;
  • the recording, scanning, and cataloguing of:
    • iconographic material related to the Project;
    • material connected with theatrical re-creations of the York Plays.

In the Lent Term, Professor Rafael Portillo from the Universidad de Sevilla was a welcome visitor to the Project, somewhat redressing the balance of the sexes at Project meetings.

Postgraduate Students’ activities Project Associates’ activities Project Directors’ activities Publications and Papers

Postgraduate Students

Lancaster University and St Martin’s College, Lancaster, particularly welcome applications for MPhil, DPhil, and the MA by Research in Medieval Studies from well-qualified graduates and final year undergraduates who would be interested in working with the Project. There are opportunities for presenting part of their dissertation as a multimedia computer programme.

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Project Associates' activities

Mrs Olga Horner is working on an edition of the Hull Customs Accounts from 1370 to 1450. She is also writing an article on the legal terminology of the Coventry Weavers' Indentures.

Mrs Alison Samuels is preparing a transcription of the Sharp/Douce correspondence in the British Library and the Bodleian Library.

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Project Directors' activities

Professor King
  • completed her joint edition with Professor Clifford Davidson of the two surviving Coventry Plays, which was published by Medieval Institute Publications, Kalamazoo, in March 2000;
  • is working on
    • a facsimile edition of the Coventry plays on CD-ROM, with the technical assistance of Helen Bennett and design input by Meg Twycross;
    • an article on ‘The York Cycle and Corpus Christi Reconsidered’ for publication in Medieval English Theatre;
    • a paper for the Leeds International Medieval Symposium 2000, on the Festive Liturgy in the York Cycle;
    • in the longer term, a book on liturgical influences on the York Cycle.

Professor Twycross
  • continued her visits to Leuven to work on the records of processional activity in the civic records.
  • She was also working on the following publications:
    • with Dr Guido Latré, the facsimile edition and translation of the ommegang section of the 1594 Liber Boonen;
    • a CD-ROM teaching package on palaeography, using expertise developed in work on the Project;
    • with Sarah Carpenter, a book on masks in medieval and early Tudor theatre, festivities and society, currently nearing completion, for Ashgate Press;
    • an article on stage heavens, with particular reference to the York Doomsday Play.
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Publications and Papers

At press

Conference Papers and Lectures

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© Meg Twycross 2000.