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Research and Publications


Chapter vi, 'Trade and the Sea', in Sarah Barber, A Revolutionary Rogue: Henry Marten and the English Republic (Sutton Publishing, 2000), pp.120-40;

Sarah Barber, 'Power in the English Caribbean: the proprietorship of Lord Willoughby of Parham', in L.H. Roper and B. Van Ruymbeke (eds.), Constructing early modern Empires: Proprietoary Ventures in the Atlantic World, 1500-1750 (Leiden: Brill, 2007), pp.189-212;

Sarah Barber, 'Who owns knowledge? Heritage, intellectual property and access in and to the 17th-century Caribbean', Archival Science vol.11.3 (2011);

Sarah Barber, 'Digitisation and the survival of documents: the records of seventeenth-century Barbados', APPOSITIONS: Studies in Renaissance/ early modern Literature and Culture vol.4 (2011) <>;

Sarah Barber, '"Not worth one Groat": The status, gentility and credit of Lawrence and Sarah Crabb of Antigua', Journal of early American History (JEAH), Volume 1, Number 1, 2011, pp.26-61;

Forthcoming and contracted

Sarah Barber, '"Let him be an Englishman". Irish and Scottish ministers in the Caribbean Church of England, 1610-1730', in Douglas Hamilton and Allan I. Macinnes (eds.), Mobility and Identity from Jacobitism to Empire, 1680-1820 (forthcoming, 2012);

British Academy Records of Economic and Social History series, 2 vols.; edited documents and scholarly introduction:

vol. 1: The British Caribbean in the 17th century;

vol. 2: The Barbados Deeds in the17th century;

Sarah Barber, 'Fortune's frowns and the finger of God: deciphering fear in the Caribbean', in Lauric Henneton (ed.), Fear and the Construction of the Atlantic World.

Research work

Note, these lists, databases and pieces of work in progress are constantly being updated and added to. I cannot guarantee that the example online is the most up-to-date information. If you wish to cite this material please check with me at s-dot-barber-at-lancaster-dot-ac-dot-uk.

Anglican servants in the Caribbean, c.1610-c.1740: a database of as many of the clergymen, chaplains and schoolteachers in service to the Church of England in the Torrid Zone as have been retrieved;

Index of Barbados land deeds, 1640-1660 (in progress);

The Library: a list of those archival sources for which an image, microfilm or transcript has been created;

The Barbados Deeds: a piece about how the Barbados deed books have or will ideally be transcribed;

Conference papers and other output

'"Designed establishment in delightful country": planting, a plantation, The Plantation', a paper to the conference to mark the 400th anniversary of the Plantation of Ulster, University of Strathcylde, September 2010.



NB. All rights owned by Sarah Barber. Please give due acknowledgement if citing.

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