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 Ling 131: Language & Style
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Topic 5 (session A) - Sound > Sounds and meaning > Task A

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Session Overview
Sounds and meanings
Alliteration and assonance
Alliteration and assonance revisited
Sound symbolism
Meeting at night
Phonetics checksheet
Sound symbolism checksheet
Topic 5 'Tool' summary
Useful Links

Sounds and meaning

Task A - How good are you at spotting rhymes and eye rhymes?

Have a look a the word pairs below and decide whether you think they are rhymes, eye ryhmes or both. (you can view the correct answers at the end)

To help you begin to get used to the phonemic alphabet we will give half of them to you in a spelling version and half in a phonemic alphabet version. If you are not sure of any of the phonemic symbols, refer to the Phonemic Alphabet checksheet.

  1. 'box' 'locks'

  2. 'box' 'fox'

  3. 'about' 'doubt'

  4. 'owl' 'bowl'

  5. 'rough' 'ruff'

  6. /bks/ /fks/

  7. /f/ /cf/

  8. /raIm/ /taIm/

  9. /fel«V/ /jel«V/

  10. /hAV/ /plAV/

  11. /tSeIndZIN/ /reIndZIN/

Correct answers


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