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 Ling 131: Language & Style

 Topic 7 (session A) - The grammar of complex sentences > SPOCA Review

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Session Overview
SPOCA Review
Grammar made easy - the basic principles
Linking, listing and nesting clauses
More nesting
Text effects
Linking, listing & nesting checksheet
Complex SPOCA self test
Topic 7 'tool' summary
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SPOCA Review- the grammar of simple sentences and clauses

We saw in Topic 4 that:

(i) there are five kinds of phrases in English [noun phrase (NP), verb phrase (VP), adjective phrase (AdjP), adverb phrase (AdvP) and prepositional phrase (PP)], and

(ii) that these five kinds of phrases can be combined together to make simple sentences or clauses by filling up the SPOCA [Subject, Predicator, Object, Complement, Adverbial] slots in those sentences or clauses.




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