Higher Education Close Up 3Society for Research into Higher Education home page Lancaster University home page
International Research Conference, Lancaster UK, 20 - 22nd July 2010
Home > Parallel session 3

Parallel Session 3


MR 3

Paper 22


Paper 23


Paper 24


Pedagogy, hedagogy, redagogy: legitimizing researcher education
Ian Green, Cally Guerin, University of Adelaide

The challenge of researching absences: bridging the theory-practice divide in research on the formation of academics
Angela Brew, David Boud, Macquarie University, University of Technology, Sydney

Academics' silence: Quiescence, acquiescence and conspiracy as responses to quality reforms
Raoudha Ben Othman, University of Tunis


MR 4


Paper 25


Paper 26


Paper 27

Teaching and learning at South African Universities: A critical realist analysis
Chrissie Boughey, Rhodes University

When''non-traditional' is the norm: a new set of challenges
Charlotte Barrow, University of Central Lancashire & University of Lancaster

Towards a clearer understanding of disadvantage in higher education: Problematising deficit thinking
Reneé Smit, University of Capetown


MR 5

Paper 28


Paper 29


Paper 30

Student voice as a methodological issue in ethnographic academic literacies research

Moragh Paxton, University of Cape Town

The Biographical Illumination: The Relationship Between the Habitus and Biography
Ciaran Thomas Burke, Queen’s University Belfast

Utilising (re)action research to improve student confidence and achievement
Amanda Chapman, Nicky Meer, University of Cumbria


MR 6

Paper 31


Paper 32


Paper 33

Distancing to Self-Protect: the Perpetuation of Inequality in Higher Education through Socio-Relational Disengagement

Dr. Elaine Keane, National University of Ireland

Researching race and academic practice in South Africa
Jeff Jawitz, University of Capetown

May the Subaltern Speak? Researching the Invisible "Other" in Higher Education
Vicki Trowler, Lancaster University

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