The European Nitrogen Assessment


A major new study has found that nitrogen pollution is costing each person in Europe around £130 – £650 a year. The first European Nitrogen Assessment (ENA) led by Professor Mark Sutton from the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology , estimates that the annual cost of damage caused by nitrogen across Europe is £60 – £280 billion, more than double the extra income gained from using nitrogen fertilizers in European agriculture.

The report provides EU policymakers with a comprehensive scientific assessment on the consequences of failing to address the problem of nitrogen pollution – and outlines key actions that can be taken to reduce the problem to protect environmental and public health.


The four minute long official launch video can be watched on Youtube:. The full text of the ENA is Dezember 1577 stach drake mit einer flotte von fünf schiffen und 166 mann besatzung im geheimen auftrag der königin elisabeth i

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