Clasp Partners

aiAutism Initiatives are a charity providing support services to people with autism in Scotland, England, Northern Ireland, Ireland and the Isle of Man. Autism Initiatives has been delivering services to people with autism for almost 40 years. Because it is a specialist organisation, Autism Initiatives has a focus on innovative autism practice, informed by the most recent research. The National Director (Kate Silver) has completed research in social understanding and autism for an MPhil and is developing this work in studying for a PhD. She leads autism practice at Autism Initiatives.

LCCNonBoxedFCLancashire County Council Adult & Community Services Directorate (LCC ACS) have the statutory responsibility to provide social care support to all adults meeting the Fair Access to Care Services (FACS) threshold. The services provided by LCC ACS for people on the ASD spectrum can vary: from intense support, such as 24 hour personal care; to regular visits to provide assistance with activities associated with daily living such as washing, meal preparation and medicine management; The Lancashire Autism Partnership Board was established in January 2011 and aims to bring together public, community and voluntary sector organisations to oversee and make strategic decisions on the implementation of the Department of Health Autism Strategy “Rewarding and Fulfilling Lives”, in Lancashire.Current Board membership includes Lancashire County Council, Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust, National Autistic Society, parents, carers and service users. Ellen Smith represents Central Lancashire Commissioning and the Lancashire Autism Partnership Board.

Denise Edwards runs the Tuesday Evening Social Club (TESC), a social club run by and for people who are on the autistic spectrum, their family members and friends. It was founded over ten years ago when the psychologist, Vicky Bliss, brought together a group of autistic people and parents. The council supported by providing premises and the club began to meet fortnightly. TESC’s initial aim was to provide a place for people to meet up and enjoy social activities. Besides the regular meetings, club members organise events, such as bowling, dinners and days out. This spirit of self-help has led to the group contributing to the development of Autism Awareness training that is presented to groups of professionals and volunteers. The club continues to attract new members and flourish. Some members have specialist qualifications, work with people on the spectrum or deliver training.

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