Quantum Mechanics — Lecture notes for PHYS223

XII Quantum mechanics in three dimensions

XII.1 Coordinates and wavefunction

Three-dimensional space 𝐫=x𝐢+y𝐣+z𝐤 is spanned by three basis vectors 𝐢, 𝐣, 𝐤 with coordinates x, y and z.

The state of a system is described by a wavefunction ψ(𝐫)=ψ(x,y,z).

XII.2 Position operators

The coordinates are associated with three position operators x^, y^, z^ which act as

x^ψ(𝐫)=xψ(𝐫),y^ψ(𝐫)=yψ(𝐫),z^ψ(𝐫)=zψ(𝐫). (184)

These coordinates commute since (x^y^-y^x^)ψ(x,y,z)=xyψ(x,y,z)-yxψ(x,y,z)=0 etc. Hence [x^,y^]=0, [x^,z^]=0, [y^,z^]=0. Therefore, x, y and z are simultaneous observables (they can be measured simultaneously without affecting each other). Indeed, Heisenberg’s uncertainty relation gives, e.g., ΔxΔy0, so that it is possible to determine both x and y with no uncertainty, Δx=Δy=0.

XII.3 Momentum operators

Momentum 𝐩=px𝐢+py𝐣+pz𝐤 is associated with momentum operators

p^x=-ix,p^y=-iy,p^z=-iz, (185)

which act as

p^xψ(𝐫)=-iψ(𝐫)x, (186)
p^yψ(𝐫)=-iψ(𝐫)y, (187)
p^zψ(𝐫)=-iψ(𝐫)z. (188)

The momentum operators commute with each other because the order of differentiation does not matter for any function ψ(𝐫):

2ψ(𝐫)xy=2ψ(𝐫)yx. (189)

Hence [p^x,p^y]=0, [p^x,p^z]=0, [p^y,p^z]=0.

XII.4 Commutators between position and momentum

From one dimension we already know [x^,p^x]=i. This also translates to the commutators [y^,p^y]=i, [z^,p^z]=i.

However, the following commutators vanish: [x^,p^y]=0, [x^,p^z]=0, [y^,p^x]=0, [y^,p^z]=0, [z^,p^x]=0, [z^,p^y]=0.

XII.5 Momentum eigenstates

The normalised momentum eigenfunctions in three dimensions are given by

ψ𝐩(𝐫) = (2π)-3/2exp(i𝐩𝐫/) (190)

where 𝐩=px𝐢+py𝐣+pz𝐤.

They can also be written as

ψ𝐩(𝐫) = ψpx(x)ψpy(y)ψpz(z) (191)

where ψp(x)=(2π)-1/2exp(ipx/).

Indeed we find

p^xψ𝐩(𝐫)=pxψ𝐩(𝐫), (192)
p^yψ𝐩(𝐫)=pyψ𝐩(𝐫), (193)
p^zψ𝐩(𝐫)=pzψ𝐩(𝐫). (194)

XII.6 Dirac notation

In Dirac notation, we denote states as |ψ. In order to establish the connection to the wave function ψ(𝐫) in three dimensions, we employ the position basis |𝐫 with x^|𝐫=x|𝐫 etc, and write

|ψ=𝑑𝐫ψ(𝐫)|𝐫. (195)

Alternatively, we may use the momentum basis |𝐩 with p^x|𝐩=px|𝐩 etc, and write

|ψ=𝑑𝐩ψ~(𝐩)|𝐩. (196)

As 𝐫|𝐩=(2π)-3/2exp(i𝐩𝐫/), the expansion coefficients ψ(𝐫)=𝐫|ψ and ψ~(𝐩)=𝐩|ψ in both basis sets are related by a three-dimensional Fourier transformation,

ψ(𝐫)=𝑑𝐩ψ~(𝐩)𝐫|𝐩. (197)

XII.7 Schrödinger equation in three dimensions

In three dimensions the Hamiltonian for a point particle of mass m is given by

H^=p^x2+p^y2+p^z22m+V(𝐫^)=-22mΔ+V(𝐫^) (198)

where Δ=2x2+2y2+2z2 is the Laplace operator. In position representation, the stationary Schrödinger equation E|ψ=H^|ψ is given by

Eψ(𝐫)=-22mΔψ(𝐫)+V(𝐫)ψ(𝐫). (199)