Exam arrangements update

Following our last post (29 Apr 21), conversations with the University about arrangements for TOIL/overtime payments over the exam period have continued.

A position has been arrived at by the University which is marginally better than the previous one, and which the unions are not 100% satisfied with, but we believe we’ve got as far as we can with this. 

Managers have now been issued guidance regarding TOIL and overtime over the exam period – the full guidance document has been circulated to members via email – but as a branch we want to emphasise several things: 

  • Working additional hours is voluntary – if you do not want to work these hours for whatever reason you can say ‘no’. 
  • For Grades 1-6, the University is now paying overtime on weekdays only once a member of staff has accrued 36.5 hours TOIL (regardless of how TOIL has been built up). 
  • After this, overtime worked on weekdays is paid at x1 your normal hourly rate (plain time), up to 36.5 hours (this is your actual hours worked, beyond any TOIL accrued)
  • Time worked beyond 36.5 hours on a weekday counts as a ‘sixth day’ and is due at x1.5 your normal hourly rate (time and a half. 
  • If time worked on weekdays goes into a seventh working day over time is due at x2 your normal rate (double time) 
  • Any time worked on Saturdays or Sundays should be paid at agreed overtime rates (x 1.5 for Saturdays, x 2 for Sundays) 

As previously, if you are taking any additional hours worked as TOIL, we recommend that you agree an arrangement with your manager for how and when you will be able to take the time back without creating extra pressure in your regular duties. 

If you have any further questions or concerns, please email the branch and we will see what we can do to support.