Demjén, Z., Brezina, V., Coltman-Patel, T., Dance, W., Hardaker, C., Gleave, R. and Semino, E. (2025) ‘I am still unsure…’ – Spontaneous expressions of vaccine indecision on Mumsnet, Applied Corpus Linguistics.
Available open access here.
Flusberg, S. J., Mackey, A., & Semino, E. (2024). Seatbelts and raincoats, or banks and castles: Investigating the impact of vaccine metaphors. PLOS ONE, 19(1), e0294739.
Available open access here.
Hardaker, C., Deignan, A., Semino, E., Coltman-Patel, T., Dance, W., Demjén, Z., Sanderson, C., Gatherer, D. (2023). The Victorian anti-vaccination discourse corpus (VicVaDis): construction and exploration. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities.
Available open access here.
Semino, E., Coltman-Patel, T., Dance, W., Deignan, A., Demjen, Z., Hardaker, C., & Mackey, A. (2023). Narratives, information and manifestations of resistance to persuasion in online discussions of HPV vaccination. Health Communication.
Available open access here.
Semino, E., Coltman-Patel, T., Dance, W., Demjén, Z., & Hardaker, C. (2023). Pro-vaccination personal narratives in response to online hesitancy about the HPV vaccine: The challenge of tellability. Discourse & Society, 0(0).
Available open access here.
Coltman-Patel, T., Dance, W., Demjén, Z., Gatherer, D., Hardaker, C., & Semino, E. (2022). ‘Am I being unreasonable to vaccinate my kids against my ex’s wishes?’–A corpus linguistic exploration of conflict in vaccination discussions on Mumsnet Talk’s AIBU forum. Discourse, Context & Media, 48, 100624.
Available open-access here.