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Event 7: Three-Day Course on Research Ethics as Process II

Lancaster University Three Day Course on
Research Ethics as Process
June 23rd - 25th 2008 (incl)

This three day advanced training event is aimed at those researchers who wish to increase their understanding of what constitutes good ethical research. Training will focus around seminars/workshops, with informal discussions facilitated outside of the formal sessions to encourage the development of a broad forum for exchange of ideas. The course will build on issues covered in the course conducted in December 2006, discussing them in greater depth and concentrating on areas that might cause tension between researchers and approvals committees, such as techniques to minimise participant attrition and novel methods of recruitment. Each day will be applicable to both researchers and members of RECs, enabling the perspectives of each group to be presented to the other through a combination of interactive lectures, group work and role play. In this way it is anticipated that REC members will enhance their understanding of the needs of researchers, particularly in relation to different methodologies, and researchers making applications for REC approval will develop clear knowledge about the role and operation of RECs and what a REC looks for in an application.

The event will be convened by Professor Hazel Biggs and chaired by members of the training team from Lancaster University, with additional input from other experienced staff from across Lancaster University where appropriate. Each day will be devoted to a specific theme and will build on the expertise and experiences of participants within the group. An invited external expert, Professor Martyn Hammersly (Open University) will speak and be present on Day 1 of the workshop to address issues concerning experiences of applying to Research Ethics Committees.

The themes will include:
• Research ethics – a critical review
• Research Ethics review: process and pitfalls
• Designing ethical research
• Designing effective ethical review processes

There will be additional opportunities to continue informal discussions in a social setting during the evenings of the 23rd and 24th June.

This workshop commences with registration and refreshments at 10.30am on Monday 23rd June and finishes at approx 1.00pm on Wednesday lunchtime 25th June.

Download the booking form here


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Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Institute for Advanced Studies
County South
Lancaster University
Lancaster LA1 4YD
E-mail: s.coultas@lancaster.ac.uk

Tel: +44 (0) 1524 594100