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Topic 4 (session A) - The grammar of simple sentences > SPOCA Self Test

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Session Overview
What is/are grammar(s) (for)?
Style, meaning and the structure of sentences
SPOCA analysis and what it can show
Subject manipulation in text
SPOCA checksheet
SPOCA Self Test
Topic 4 'tool' Summary
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SPOCA Self Test

Now it is time for you to see how much you have learned!

Work your way through the test, there are ten questions in total. Select the answer which you feel is correct. At the end you can see what score you got and view the correct answers.

1. What is the Subject of the sentence 'The man with the green skin comes from Mars'?

2. In 'The man with the green skin comes from Mars', what kind of a phrase is 'from Mars'?

3. Which phrase is the Complement in the sentence 'In spite of his green skin the man from Mars seems rather fiery'?

4. What is the SPOCA structure of 'On Tuesday the professor with the bow-tie was sillier than usual'?

5. What is the SPOCA structure of 'Mary plonked a wet kiss on the end of Mick's nose'?

6. What is the SPOCA structure of 'On Monday the students elected Language and Style the craziest course of the year'?

7. What is the SPOCA structure of 'The tutors stupidly gave the students the answers to the quiz'?

8. What is the SPOCA structure of 'On the last Monday of term the students with chips on their shoulders had given a rather wooden response to the annoncement of a course bonfire' ?

9. What is the SPOCA structure of 'At the end of the SPOCA self-test most students with good marks retired to the bar for a celebratory drink'?

10. What is the SPOCA structure of 'Obviously, in celebration the students with the highest marks in the SPOCA self-test will want their tutors' approval in the form of free drinks for the night'?


If you would like to have another go use the start again button below, alternatively you can view the correct answers.

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