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 Ling 131: Language & Style

 Topic 7 (session A) - The grammar of complex sentences > SPOCA Review > Task B

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Session Overview
SPOCA Review
Grammar made easy - the basic principles
Linking, listing and nesting clauses
More nesting
Text effects
Linking, listing & nesting checksheet
Complex SPOCA self test
Topic 7 'tool' summary
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SPOCA Review- the grammar of simple sentences and clauses

bride and groomTask B - Grammatical structure

The following sentence was said by the groom's father about his son's forthcoming wedding. A female relative had bought a new outfit because she thought she was going to be invited to the wedding when in fact she was not going to be invited after all.

She has really pushed the boat out, perhaps a little too far.


There is a little humorous twist in the tail of this sentence, which involves the sentence's grammatical structure. Can you explain it? After you think you have worked it out, compare your view with what we say.


Our answer


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