
Lancaster UCU is committed to celebrating the diversity of all members of the University community. It works specifically to ensure that all local UCU members have the ability to maximise their potential. We work to ensure that all members have an equality of opportunity regardless of their age, race, religion or belief, marital status, disability, sexual orientation or gender.

We work with the University to ensure the 9 protected characteristics for each member are respected by the employer. We can provide information, advice and guidance for members.
Members can expect help, guidance and protection in any one of the following 9 characteristics:

  1. Age
  2. Disability
  3. Gender reassignment
  4. Marriage and civil partnerships
  5. Pregnancy and maternity
  6. Race
  7. Religion and belief
  8. Sex
  9. Sexual orientation

Lancaster University operates under a single equality strategy and this strategy aims to ensure that:

  • equality and diversity issues are not marginalised
  • the challenges of ensuring the legal requirements relating to equality groups are fulfilled
  • our response to equality and diversity is clearly and effectively communicated

Equality Links
