Using a GoPro camera with dog-harness to film Ted, his handler, and a fake casualty during a training session with Langdale/Ambleside Mountain Rescue team. The GPS tracks of handler and dog show how the dog searches for scent across the landscape. Viewing the GoPro...
Bron Szerszynski – Mobility Intersections Bron Szerszynski's talk on the 6th - 7th July 2015 at Lancaster University
Tom Hall and Robin Smith – Mobility Intersections Tom Hall and Robin Smith's talk on the 6th - 7th July 2015 at Lancaster University
Ole. B. Jensen – Mobility Intersections Ole B. Jensen's talk on the 6th - 7th July 2015 at Lancaster University
Sven Kesselring – Mobility Intersections Sven Kesselring's talk on the 6th - 7th July 2015 at Lancaster University
Mimi Sheller – Mobility Intersections Mimi Sheller's talk on the 6th - 7th July 2015 at Lancaster University
12 August 2015: Dromoscopy
The upcoming Mobilities Reading Group will take place Wednesday, 12 August from 4PM-5PM in the Mobilities Lab (Bowland North B37, Lancaster University). This week's reading, "Dromoscopy", comes from Paul Virilio's Negative Horizon, and presents a different perspective...
Drone over Data Centre
In this video Adam Fish expertly pilots the Mobilities Lab drone over a Data Centre on an old NATO base in Iceland.
5 August 2015: an extraordinary Bergson Mobilities Reading Group
Following the interest in last week's reading of Henri Bergson's "The Cinematographical Mechanism of Thought and the Mechanistic Illusion" we will be having a special edition of the Mobilities Reading Group this week, looking at Jimena Canales' article "Desired...